Les Annales

About the Journal

Founded in 1929 by Marc Bloch and Lucien Febvre, the Annales has always sought to transcend its prestigious heritage by continually presenting the most innovative research in the field of history. The journal equally provides a unique platform for dialogue between the various social sciences, remaining open to new fields of research, comparative history, cultural analysis, and epistemological reflection. Renowned experts and emerging historians alike contribute to keeping the spirit of the Annales alive.

The journal also accords an important place to the examination of recent scientific developments in the form of book reviews (200 per year) and in-depth analysis of the most important works being published today.

The Annales is the most widely distributed Francophone journal in the world.

Founders: Marc Bloch, Lucien Febvre

Former Editor: Fernand Braudel

In 2012, with the help of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Florence Gould Foundation, and the American University of Paris, the Annales began producing an online-only English edition in an effort to increase historiographical exchange and encourage international dialogue. From 2017, this edition has been published in partnership with Cambridge University Press.

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La revue en ligne :

Cambridge Core


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2 Cours des Humanités

Campus Condorcet

93300 Aubervilliers
